Tuesday, April 12, 2011

"Good Morning Susie Sunshine" Breakfast Smoothie

Well, well, well.  So this morning I (Christina) was feeling a bit too lazy to actually make oatmeal.  So instead of reaching for a box of preservative-packed cereal, I decided I would take an oatmeal short-cut!
Genius, huh?
Actually, not really.
It's a pretty common, well-know fact that putting oatmeal in a smoothie is a delicious alternative.  So I can't take the credit. 
Did you know that most North Americans are chronically under-fibered? 
So, not only does oatmeal taste great but it provides a great source of fiber!
 So with that here is the recipe to a great smoothie to start your day right...

Place in the blender the following:

Your little ones will enjoy this, too!
2/3 c soy milk                                 
1 cup plain, fat-free yogurt
1 banana
1 c frozen mango
3/4 c uncooked oats

*if you are using fresh mango, just add some ice.  also, go ahead and add flaxseed, wheat germ, or spinach to amp up the nutrition!

Hope you enjoy it as much as my little guy and I did!

Butterflies and Eskimos,

Sarah and Christina


  1. 'specially love the model!

  2. I have never heard of this...but it sounds like a super idea...will have to try it!!!

  3. Thanks Joni!
    @Mel: hope you enjoy it!
