Tuesday, March 29, 2011

New Blog!!!! Fruit Smoothie!

Hello Blog world!!!

We are so excited about our new Blog! You can read our story on our "About us" page. Basically We love to be Healthy, and We just got a little fed up with people saying it was too hard to have a healthy lifestyle, or that they just didn't care about eating right.

We are NOT Doctors or nutritionist. We have just taken responsibility for our own health and educated ourselves.

So to kick off our first blog post we want to give you a yummy, super healthy smoothie recipe !
 Now we are all about sneaking veggies into our kids food when ever we can, So remember to make food fun

Give your kids their meals in fun and colorful bowls and plates, this doesn't have to be expensive. Most of the time you can get them at your local $1 store, $1 bins at Target, Micheal's crafts, Joanne's or when a holiday is over and everything is being marked down.

Give your meals fun names! Case and point, I could just call this smoothie 
" Fruit smoothieBlaaaah! boring !
Instead.... I'll call it "Tootie, Fruity, for my Cuties" Smoothie! (and not tell them I put spinach in there, Hehehe...)

What kid isn't going to love the fun and loving names you create for them. I guarantee they will ask for it by name!

Also, smoothies are just Cooler with twisty straws! So get some!


You'll need:
1 ripe mango
2 ripe kiwi's
1 banana
1/2 c. of frozen organic blueberries
The juice of 1 orange
1/2c.  uncooked oatmeal 
3 tlb. ground flaxseed
1-2 hand fulls of spinach (I know it sounds wierd, but you won't taste it at all!)
1-2 tlb. Agave nectar or honey (whichever you prefer)

Add everything to your blender and blend!

This smoothie is chalk full of healthiness!
The kiwi and orange juice has tones of vitamin C, potassium in the banana, antioxidants in the organic blueberries, fiber and whole grains in the oatmeal. Then You have omega 3 fatty acids in the flax seed and vitamin A,C and E in the spinach, which also helps keep cancer away!
Last but not least... Agave nectar is great! It has a low glycemic index so your kids won't get a sugar rush.  That's always a plus, hahaha!

My Kiddo's loved it!

 Let us know what you think!

  Sarah & Christina